Saturday, August 11, 2012

Plum ice cream

My sister has a plum tree at her new house. I don't think she was too excited about it, and neither was I when I saw it, until we tasted one of these plums. It's not remotely possible to describe how sweet, juicy, and delicious they are, so I won't try. I'll just say that I already cannot wait for next year's plum season.

I was at my her house this week, and we spent a long time picking up old plums that had fallen on the ground. We filled a huge garbage bag with those sticky, stinky things. It was gross. But once the ground was clear we picked plums until it was too dark to see them. She let me take a big bag home (probably about thirty plums - thanks again!), and she kept about triple that. We have been eating them like crazy and wishing we had more.

They're beyond good on their own, but when I saw a recipe for plum ice cream (a combination I've never even thought of) I couldn't resist. It's the sweetest ice cream I think I've ever had. I really shouldn't have added any extra sugar. It might also be the most beautiful ice cream I've ever seen. It turned out to be such a beautiful light pinky-purple. If you have an abundance of plums, you really should try making it into ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Baking with plums is pretty cool, too. The Germans/Austrians like to do it. Zwetschkenknoedel is a favorite, although you can't make it here because you need a dairy product called "Quark" that America doesn't sell.
