Thursday, April 05, 2012

Nike Training Club

I may have mentioned that I love this app before. Things haven't changed. It's amazing. I don't have a gym membership, and with this app (at least at this point in my life) I don't think I need one. It has rewards and bonus workouts, so you want to push yourself. It doesn't require much equipment, so it's super convenient for me - just a yoga mat and a few weights. 

It has pictures of each move, step by step.  

And if pictures aren't enough, you just hit that little movie camera in the top corner, and you get a video of the whole move, done properly by a professional athlete. 

It has soooo many different work outs in four categories. Get Lean, Get Toned, Get Strong, and Get Focused (an amazing series of 15 minute work outs that target a specific area of your body!) 

The categories have beginner, intermediate, and advanced work out which are 30 or 45 minutes long. 

I'm telling you, this app is incredible. It also keeps track of which workouts you do and when you do them.

Oh, and did I mention it's FREE?!

I really started using NTC near the end of last summer, but I stopped after about a month and did Insanity/P90X and ran with my husband. He started going back to Kung Fu in January, so now he gets his exercise in there, which is great for him, but I lost my work out buddy and, to be honest, much of my motivation.

*I should mention here that I'm soooo grateful that I married someone who sees the importance of staying healthy. He has helped me to stay focussed and he makes me want to work out every day, since he does, and I see what a difference it makes in his life.*

I decided to start back up with NTC in early February. At that point I had logged only logged 420 minutes of exercise (with that app) since August. I decided to use the minutes as a way to push my self, and decided that by May first I would be at 3000 minutes. It would mean a ton of dedication, and no missed days. I wanted to make my goal public (right here on the blog) but honestly, I didn't think I could do it. I just figured even if I got close, it's be better than nothing, right?

Well, I'm happy to announce that yesterday I hit 2000 minutes! I have been doing a 45-60 minute NTC workout so days a week for 8 weeks today. I missed one or two days when I was sick, but I would make up the lost time other days. I have 21 days (Sunday's a rest day) to do another 1000 minutes... Well only 955 minutes, since I already did 45 today. That means I need 45.5 minutes each day. I'm exactly on track, and couldn't be happier, or more surprised that I've stuck with it this long.

It feels so good, and now on top of NTC, since the weather's nice, I have started running again. Not much, and not fast, but I'm doing it. I'm pretty proud of myself. It's so nice to see muscles!! Especially, and I cannot stress this enough, triceps! Even Kimball has noticed a difference.

Some of you might be rolling your eyes. I'm skinny. Always have been. But skinny doesn't mean healthy or fit. It's pretty lame when everyone assumes that since you're little you must be an athlete. I can't tell you how many people have been terribly disappointed when I go running with them, or when they want me to play some intramural sport, or how many people think I'm a ballerina (I took a year of ballet classes at BYU and it was the most humiliating and hilarious experience ever. Luckily I laughed a lot with everyone else. Seriously, what a joke). I've even dated really athletic guys that I'm pretty sure were surprised and saddened when they learned I wasn't what I looked like. (I'm glad about that though - Kimball's the best).

Anyway, my point is, I'm glad to finally start feeling healthy and fit, instead of just being assumed such. I want I live a long and happy life. I'm pretty sure Kimball will, and I'd like to be there with him. If you want results, motivation, and amazing video tutorials for every exercise, along with a voice motivating you and correcting form, you need to get this app!! Unfortunately there's no web app. Just a mobile one. Super lame. You're welcome to come over and exercise with me!!


  1. Well you just sold me on this app. I will be downloading it tonight!

  2. ahh! I haven't been on your blog in so long!! it looks cool - nice new lay out. looks like I have lots of reading to do. (love this app too!!)

  3. Girl. You have found your calling in life... app reviewer. That was awesome. Totally informative! I definitely downloaded shared it with my friend who is a health coach, who also thought it was awesome and thanks you. Way to share the love!
