Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hong Kong – Day 8

I felt little numb for this whole last day. It was hard to hold back tears most of the day, and eventually I just gave in. We all went to church in the morning and came home and had lunch and got me all packed up and ready to go. Mason’s sweet parents loaded me up with provisions for the long journey home. I had LemSip, which I may have become addicted to... Kleenex, chocolate, dried mangos, and so much more. It was so kind of them, and it made my long flight so much more enjoyable.

Mason and I left for the airport, and the minute I stepped out of the apartment I just lost it. I think I cried/laughed at myself for being so ridiculous for about four hours straight. I know. Such a baby.

Mason waited with me in the airport until the very last moment, when I had to finally make myself go through security. I had to run all the way to the gate, and I came really close to missing the flight… I may have kind of wanted to just miss it and stay in Hong Kong...

The flight was long, and I got no sleep. I got back to Salt Lake feeling so sick and tired and totally worn out. My sisters informed me that they wanted to have a girl getaway the next weekend, which I initially said ‘no way’ to. Eventually I changed my mind, decided I could miss two more days of school, and I just went. You can read about it here on my sister’s blog.

Just a week and a half later I would be on my way to Cairo… details to follow... and pictures.

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