Thursday, October 21, 2010


No, I'm not engaged or anything like that. Sorry. 

*Warning: This makes me look very cold-hearted. Please don't think less of me* 

Even though I never write anything on this blog anymore, I have decided, just now in fact, that I'm going private! Isn't this exciting? If I don't know you, chances are you will no longer have access to this web log of mine. I really just want family (definitely including extended family) and dear friends to read it. So, no offense. I'm being selective. 

For those who I know and love, I'll need your email addresses to keep you on as eligible readers. Don't expect anything fancy on here, although I may post more frequently now. I'm just privatizing cause I'm starting to get freaked out by how transparent our lives are all becoming. It's strange. I don't like it. I also don't like how much time is wasted by people reading about other people's lives, especially those that they don't even know. This is me taking a stand against the time spent in the blogging world which should be spent with real loved ones. 

Email me, facebook me, or leave comment to let me know if you want in on this. 

An unapologetic note: If you don't have my email address, or you aren't my friend on facebook, you likely shouldn't be reading about my life. If you're too embarrassed to come forward and admit that you've been reading this but still want in, then please realize that embarrassment is quite possibly an appropriate thing to be feeling. Take the time you would spend reading my unimportant thoughts and go play with your kids or hang out with your friends. This in your best interest. 

That said, many of you actually are my friends. Chances are, if I've ever commented on your blog, or hung out with you in the last few years, I'm more than anxious to maintain a friendship with you. 

Don't be shy. I love you. 


  1. I love it! Bethany, please include me in your list.
    Thanks, Love, Dad

  2. Ha Ha! You know I want in!

  3. how come dad's never commented on my blog!?
    beth you and brook are messing up my reader.... but i guess that's ok.
    invite me.

  4. pick me pick me! Am I special enough!? :) if so, my email is my first and last name with no spaces.

    However, I would like to propose a cousin hang out soon. For all of us in the area. I feel like I don't see yous guys much, and would like to!

  5. oh wow. I hope I make the cut.

  6. well, this is embarrassing. You may not remember me. We used to hang out a lot when we were little. Our mom's are sisters, and I would really love to keep up with you even though I haven't seen you in a millennium.

    we are cousins afterall. But seriously. Why don't you come visit saskatoon sometime. Bet you've never been there before. On a high note. We'll be in Utah next summer!

  7. Am I worthy?! :) I'm not embarrassed - but now I'm embarrassed that I'm not embarrassed and maybe I should be embarrassed, now I'm just confused? If you would like me to follow your blog - I would love to!! My name (first and Last) at I love your honesty!! I respect it.

  8. I'd love to be able to check in with you once in awhile, but I'm not sure if I'll make the cut because you haven't responded to any of my fb messages! :) my email is first name dot last name at gmail dot com. And btw, the kids have done great so far on our no treats experiment!

  9. me too! but i was already on the list anyways, right? :)

  10. Hey Bethany,
    We haven't hung out for a while (since right after highschool in fact) but I really enjoy reading your posts beause you are clever and witty and you are doing a lot of great things in your life. I've decided to leave it up to you if you want me to continue to be able to read about your life. If you decide no, I can understand that. Either way, thanks for letting me read about your life for the past however long. You've made me laugh and examine my own life more closely.
    Megan Gebhard

  11. I haven't read blogs in a long time. So I just read this today. Keep me on your list please :)
    Obviously Jarom will want to be added too - he has been really busy with work and I don't think he's read this yet either.

  12. Mike and I would love to keep in touch and read about your adventures!
